Channel: Can you name Jesus' 7 female disciples?
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Can you name Jesus' 7 female disciples?

Everyone knows that Y'shua had 12 male disciples, but did you know** he also had 7 female disciples? Those famous women got ignored in the early patriarchal church, and have continued to be ignored in...

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Re: Can you name Jesus' 7 female disciples?

Sleepy, Grumpy, Sneezy, Bashful, Doc, Dopey and the Hilton sisters (Daisy & Violet)

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Re: Can you name Jesus' 7 female disciples?

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Re: Can you name Jesus' 7 female disciples?

Is there anybody who graduated high school on this forum? If you're ignorant in the Bible, then read it and allow yourself to learn from an expert.Synchronism: 5/9/12 09:45 "We try to crack the...

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Re: Can you name Jesus' 7 female disciples?

I've read it - why do you think I decided it was a load of crap. Much like your posts come to think of it.

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